Friday, January 24, 2014

The Power of YES.... or No?!

   I don't know about you, but I have a problem. A VERY big problem! I have a tendency to take on Waaaay too much at once and it all stems from this little issue I have of not being able to say NO! I'm a people pleaser and I don't like to disappoint anyone, so if someones asks me to do something, I say yes. Seems pretty harmless right?! Well the problem occurs when I have taken on sooo much that stress and chaos begins to take over my life. Do I tell the person, I can' is that even an option??? NO.. there I said it ;) ... So if you are anything like me, and actually have a hard time saying No, follow these easy steps. It's helped me tremendously in the recent weeks.

    Step 1.) Instead of saying YES, say "I'll check my Calendar and get back to you"
    Step 2.) If you don't have a calendar that you are using to schedule appointments/tasks... START NOW!!!
    Step 3.) Be Realistic... if you have one ounce of anxiety thinking about how to fit this new task into your schedule, you DON'T have the time to commit right now.
    Step 4.) Be Honest... You want to build strong, lasting relationships with those around you, be it family, friends, or colleagues. Honesty is the best policy, especially in this case.
Last, but not least...
 Step 5.) If you have determined that said task is going to be too much to handle right now, tell the person that right now is not a good time, but please don't hesitate to ask in the future or offer to reschedule for a later date.

Give it a try, let me know how it goes!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year!!!

      I embarked on a journey to healthier me in 2013. I had a rocky start with some minor medical issues holding me back in the beginning, but once all odds against me had ceased, it was game on! Yes, I lost weight, but I gained a new perspective on life. I learned about eating what's right for my body, clean foods that are free of harmful chemicals and pesticides, super foods that give you energy, boost weight loss, and suppress hunger... NATURALLY!
      I've struggled the last few months of the year because in all honesty, I let life get in the way of my goals. I gained back 15lbs of what I had lost and have been discouraged because although I hadn't given up, I let myself backtrack on the insane amount of work I had put into the person I know I'm meant to be. I went rummaging through my progress photos last night in search for this photo to post today and what was once discouraging, became motivating. I looked at pictures I had taken in April before Insanity, June after completion, July before T25 and mid-August during the middle of it. Every picture was an major
improvement from the month before. So here before you is yet another improvement. I may not have lost the amount of weight I wanted to, have the insane toned up self if could have had, but I am by NO means the same person I was a year ago. 2014 will once again be another year full of change, full of progress, and a roller coaster of life's ups and downs, but that's what makes us stronger, smarter, and human! Cheers to New Beginnings!