Saturday, March 15, 2014

The 21 Day Fix AKA.. Game Changer!!!

So I have had many inquiries of what exactly this 21 Day fix is that I have been non-stop talking about. I figured I might as well go ahead and write it out for all to see. In short, the 21 Day fix is a program created by fitness expert Autumn Calabrese and sold exclusively through Beachbody. It is the first program released by Beachbody that focuses on Nutrition AND Fitness! The program is 21 Days long (3weeks) and consists of 30minute workouts, 7 days a week, and includes a color-coded container system for proper proportions of nutritional food groups; protein, healthy fats, veggies, fruits, carbs. Let me be the first to tell you... this is no quick fix! Yes, I understand that this is only 21 days, but scientific studies have shown that it takes 21 days to break a habit and THAT is where the concept of "21 days" comes from. If you can stick to a healthy regiment of proper nutrition, in the right proportions, and pair it with focus style workouts, you WILL see results. My first test group has had some AMAZING results and we're not completely done with this round yet! It doesn't matter where you are on your journey, if you're a beginner or have been working out for years, the 21Day Fix is for everyone. The workouts have a modifier in each video for those who need it, and let me tell you, I have heard numerous reports of those who have had tremendous success on their weight loss journey (myself included) who thought they were eating the right portions and have had a HUGE wake-up call!  It's an eye-opening program when you think you know it all and a game-changer for those who are struggling along the way or need a good solid foundation to start!!!

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