Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Workouts

Near and Dear to my heart.... My "Soul-Mate" Workout.. Insanity! It was my first Beachbody program I completed and I chose to become a Coach 30days in. I got amazing results in 60Days...this is ONLY a 10lb difference people! Goes to show, take the numbers on the scale with a grain of salt! 
I'm currently using Shaun T.'s new workout FocusT25 which is a 5 day a week program for only 25minutes a day. I'll get back to you with the completed results when I finish. I LOVE the new program. It's perfect for a busy mom like myself! I also own the following programs, which I have tried a workout or two because I'm impatient ;) .....
    TurboFire-Chalene Johnson
    HipHop Abs- Shaun T.
    Insanity Asylum- Shaun T.
Notice the trend.. I'm a little bit of a Shaun T. freak.. What can I say, the man's a fitness Genius! If there are any programs you want to know more about, contact me! I will be glad to give you as much info as you need or desire :)

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